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Augments data with information about the United Nations (UN) geoscheme on three different grouping tiers based on the UN M49 area code hierarchy.

In total, eight different columns are added:

  • un_country_code: UN M49 country code

  • un_region_tier_1_code: UN tier-1 region's M49 area code

  • un_region_tier_1_name: UN tier-1 region's English name

  • un_region_tier_2_code: UN tier-2 region's M49 area code

  • un_region_tier_2_name: UN tier-2 region's English name

  • un_region_tier_3_code: UN tier-3 region's M49 area code

  • un_region_tier_3_name: UN tier-3 region's English name

  • un_subregion: Combinatiorial English UN subregion name which, except for Northern Europe, corresponds to the lowest un_region_tier_*_name.

Tier-1 regions are the highest, i.e. most aggregated UN regions, commonly referred to as continents. Tier-2 regions are also known as "subregions" and tier-3 regions as "sub-subregions".

Only part of all UN tier-2 regions are further divided into UN tier-3 regions, meaning that not all countries are part of a UN tier-3 region. If a country doesn't belong to any UN tier-3 region, the corresponding un_region_tier_3_* values will simply be NA. The un_subregion column specifically addresses this issue by providing a uniform combination of un_region_tier_2_name and un_region_tier_3_name.


add_world_regions(data, add_un_country_code = TRUE)



RDB referendum data as returned by rfrnds(). A data frame that at minimum contains the column country_code (with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-3 alpha-4 codes).


Whether or not to also add a column un_country_code holding the UN M49 code of the country in which the referendum took place.


A tibble.


rdb::rfrnd(id = "5bbbe26a92a21351232dd73f") |>
  rdb::add_world_regions() |>
#> # A tibble: 1 × 11
#>   id     country_code country_name un_country_code un_region_tier_1_code un_region_tier_1_name un_region_tier_2_code un_region_tier_2_name un_region_tier_3_code
#>   <chr>  <fct>        <fct>        <fct>           <fct>                 <fct>                 <fct>                 <fct>                 <fct>                
#> 1 5bbbe… CH           Switzerland  756             150                   Europe                155                   Western Europe        NA                   
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: un_region_tier_3_name <fct>, un_subregion <fct>