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Downloads the referendum data from the Referendum Database (RDB). See the codebook for a detailed description of all variables.


  is_draft = FALSE,
  incl_archive = FALSE,
  use_cache = TRUE,
  max_cache_age = "1 week",
  quiet = FALSE



TRUE means to include only referendum entries with draft status, FALSE to include only normal entries. Set to NULL in order to include both draft and normal entries.


Whether or not to include an archive column containing data from an earlier, obsolete state of the Referendum Database (RDB).


Whether or not to return cached results if possible. If FALSE, results are always newly fetched regardless of max_cache_age.


Duration after which cached results are refreshed (i.e. newly fetched). A valid lubridate duration. Use Inf to disable cache expiry. Only relevant if use_cache = TRUE.


Whether or not to suppress printing status output from internal processing.


A tibble.


# get all referendums (excl. drafts)
#> # A tibble: 17,766 × 69
#>    id            id_official id_sudd country_code country_name subnational_entity_n…¹ municipality level date       is_former_country title_en title_de title_fr
#>    <chr>         <chr>       <chr>   <fct>        <fct>        <chr>                  <chr>        <ord> <date>     <lgl>             <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
#>  1 65096e84481d… NA          pl0120… PL           Poland       NA                     NA           nati… 2023-10-15 NA                Privati… Privati… NA      
#>  2 65096dc1481d… NA          pl0220… PL           Poland       NA                     NA           nati… 2023-10-15 NA                raising… Anhebun… NA      
#>  3 65096535481d… NA          pl0320… PL           Poland       NA                     NA           nati… 2023-10-15 NA                Removal… Abbau d… NA      
#>  4 6509625d481d… NA          pl0420… PL           Poland       NA                     NA           nati… 2023-10-15 NA                Europea… Beschlu… NA      
#>  5 650034e4481d… NA          au0120… AU           Australia    NA                     NA           nati… 2023-10-14 NA                Establi… Stimme … NA      
#>  6 64e46f7a481d… NA          ec0920… EC           Ecuador      NA                     NA           nati… 2023-08-20 NA                No crud… Keine R… NA      
#>  7 64e46c8f481d… NA          fm0820… FM           Micronesia   NA                     NA           nati… 2023-07-04 NA                Indepen… Unabhän… NA      
#>  8 64c8b3ca0b8b… NA          fm0720… FM           Micronesia   NA                     NA           nati… 2023-07-04 NA                Providi… NA       NA      
#>  9 64c8b19c0b8b… NA          fm0620… FM           Micronesia   NA                     NA           nati… 2023-07-04 NA                Creatin… Angleic… NA      
#> 10 64c8a28d0b8b… NA          fm0520… FM           Micronesia   NA                     NA           nati… 2023-07-04 NA                Alterin… Verände… NA      
#> # ℹ 17,756 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​subnational_entity_name
#> # ℹ 56 more variables: question <chr>, question_en <chr>, committee_name <chr>, result <fct>, subterritories_yes <dbl>, subterritories_no <dbl>,
#> #   electorate_total <int>, electorate_abroad <int>, votes_yes <int>, votes_no <int>, votes_empty <int>, votes_invalid <int>, votes_per_subterritory <list>,
#> #   lower_house_yes <int>, lower_house_no <int>, lower_house_abstentions <int>, upper_house_yes <int>, upper_house_no <int>, upper_house_abstentions <int>,
#> #   position_government <fct>, topics_tier_1 <list>, topics_tier_2 <list>, topics_tier_3 <list>, remarks <chr>, files <list>, url_sudd <chr>,
#> #   url_swissvotes <chr>, sources <chr>, is_draft <lgl>, date_time_created <dttm>, date_time_last_edited <dttm>, type <fct>, inst_legal_basis_type <ord>, …