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Lists the set of available referendum topics on the specified tiers.


topics(tiers = 1:3)



Tiers to include topics from. An integerish vector.


A character vector.

See also

Other referendum topic functions: data_topics, hierarchize_topics_fast(), hierarchize_topics(), infer_topics()


rdb::topics(tiers = 1:2)
#>  [1] "state organisation"                    "foreign policy"                        "security policy"                      
#>  [4] "economy"                               "agriculture"                           "public finance"                       
#>  [7] "energy"                                "transport and infrastructure"          "environment and living space"         
#> [10] "social policy"                         "education and research"                "culture, religion and media"          
#> [13] "national identity"                     "political system"                      "institutions"                         
#> [16] "citizens' rights"                      "federalism"                            "legal system"                         
#> [19] "position on foreign policy"            "European policy"                       "international organisations"          
#> [22] "development cooperation"               "bilateral treaties"                    "foreign trade policy"                 
#> [25] "diplomacy"                             "Swiss abroad"                          "public security"                      
#> [28] "army"                                  "national economic supply"              "economic policy"                      
#> [31] "employment"                            "finance"                               "tourism and leisure"                  
#> [34] "agricultural policy"                   "livestock"                             "crop production"                      
#> [37] "forestry"                              "fishing, hunting and pets"             "taxation"                             
#> [40] "financial system"                      "public expenditure"                    "budget cuts and remediation measures" 
#> [43] "energy policy"                         "nuclear energy"                        "hydro-electric power"                 
#> [46] "alternative energy"                    "oil and gas"                           "transport policy"                     
#> [49] "road transport"                        "rail transport"                        "air transport"                        
#> [52] "shipping"                              "post"                                  "telecommunications"                   
#> [55] "soil"                                  "housing"                               "environment"                          
#> [58] "health"                                "social security"                       "social groups"                        
#> [61] "education policy"                      "schools"                               "universities"                         
#> [64] "research"                              "professional and vocational education" "cultural policy"                      
#> [67] "language policy"                       "religion, churches"                    "sport"                                
#> [70] "media and communication"