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A tibble reflecting the complete referendum topics hierarchy.




A tibble.

See also

Other referendum topic functions: hierarchize_topics_fast(), hierarchize_topics(), infer_topics(), topics()


#> # A tibble: 136 × 3
#>    topic_tier_1       topic_tier_2      topic_tier_3                       
#>    <chr>              <chr>             <chr>                              
#>  1 state organisation national identity NA                                 
#>  2 state organisation political system  constitution                       
#>  3 state organisation political system  procedure for constitutional reform
#>  4 state organisation political system  legislative procedure              
#>  5 state organisation political system  electoral system                   
#>  6 state organisation institutions      government, administration         
#>  7 state organisation institutions      parliament                         
#>  8 state organisation institutions      courts                             
#>  9 state organisation institutions      national bank                      
#> 10 state organisation citizens' rights  citizens' initiatives              
#> # ℹ 126 more rows